Home Agrotechnology Monika Kabadzhova

Chief. Assist. Prof. PhD Monika Kabadzhova

E -mail: monika_kabadjova@abv.bg


Tel.: +35978522612


Research interests and main activities:Impact of the CAP greening on biodiversity and environment on farms and rural areas. Economic efficiency of implementing environmental-friendly practices in fruit growing and rural areas. Innovative marketing solutions on farms. Rural development and diversification on rural areas.


Scientific Publications (2018-


Kabadzhova, M., Dimitrov, N. (2024). The effect of the drying method on quality features of three apple cultivars. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 27(2), 275-295.


Kabadzhova, M., Mihaylova, M., Tsvyatkova, D. (2024). Farmers' attitudes to implementation of CAP greening practices in both the Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil regions in Bulgaria. Economic Studies, 33(1), 128-149.  https://www.iki.bas.bg/Journals/EconomicStudies/2024/2024-1/08_Monika-Kabadzhova.pdf

Kabadzhova, M. (2023). Consumer’ Preferences for Direct Sales of Agricultural Produce in Bulgaria.  Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 26(3), 343–365.  https://jmabonline.com/en/article/c5HDww0UPAA8rrmdsne5

Blagoeva, T., Kabadzhova, M., Krishkova, I. (2023). Influence of Applied Pruning on Apple Yield and Economic Efficiency. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 26(3), 198–215.  https://jmabonline.com/en/article/8HWUK8B3bfTNNuYvJ4Wl

Кабаджова, М., Тодорова, Д. (2023). Екосхемите в новия СПРЗСР – 2023-2027г. – условие за опазване на биологичното разнообразие в земеделските земи. Междуредовите култури в овощните насаждения като система на отглеждане – повишават плодородието на почвата и добивите. Практично земеделие, 5(267), 28-31.

Kabadzhova, M., & Blagoeva, T. (2023). Evolution of Pear Production in Bulgaria during the Period 1960-2020. In Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 26(2), 218-232. https://jmabonline.com/en/article/j8o5BpITEv3fOapeonEp


Kabadzhova, М., Krishkova, I. (2022) Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period. In: Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas, Publishing Complex-UNWE, Sofia, 234-242

Mihailova, M., Tsvyatkova, D., Kabadzhova, M., Atanasova, S. & Ivanov, E. (2022). Micro and small farms – element from the model for revitalizing of rural areas. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 28 (6), 959–971 https://www.agrojournal.org/28/06-01.html

Kabadzhova, М. (2022). Current State and Challenges in Fruit Growing in Bulgaria. In Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans (Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 239–253),  https://jmabonline.com/en/article/eDF8mmwZsifUDGglwPa7

Kabadzhova, М. (2022). Analysis of Bulgarian Green Direct Payments and CAP support. Ikonomika i upravlenie na selskoto stopanstvo, 67(1), 15-30 (Bg).

Kabadzhova, М. (2022). Analiz na ekologichnia aspekt v zemedelskite stopanstva. Ikonomicheski i sotsialni alternativi, 2, 34-43

Kabadzhova, M. (2022). Attractiveness of the agricultural sector to achieving generational renewal. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 28 (1), 3–9 https://www.agrojournal.org/28/01-01.pdf

Kabadzhova, M. (2021) Influencing factors over the CAP greening of Bulgarian agriculture. In: Sustainable multifunctional rural areas by adapting agricultural models and systems, Publishing Complex-UNWE, Sofia, 197-207, (Bg)

Kabadzhova, М. (2021) Common agricultural policy` influence on the apple production and yield in Bulgaria. Ikonomika i upravlenie na selskoto stopanstvo, 66(4), 26-34, (Bg). https://journal.jaem.info/page/bg/details.php?article_id=537

Kabadzhova М. (2021) Barriers toward greening of bulgarian agricultural, Conference proceeding. Third national scientific forum on the topic: The business in 21-st Century. Bulgaria 2030 Designing the future: a new society and a new economy, Publishing Complex-UNWE, 143-148, (Bg)

Aleksandrova S., Kabadzhova M. (2020) Diversification of the economic activities – a better future for Bulgarian rural areas, International Conference “European agriculture and the new CAP 2021-2027: Challenges and opportunities”, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia, 20(1), 51-62. https://www.iae-bg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Book-of-Proceedings-2019-conference-1.pdf

Kabadzhova, M. (2019) Specifications of CAP greening payments, VI International Scientific Conference "Ideas, Ideals - Rise and Crash", Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov"- Ruse, 2, 211-221.


Kabadzhova М. (2019) Role of cap greening in farmers` decision-making, Trakia Journal of Sciences, 17(1), 600-605. http://tru.uni-sz.bg/tsj/Volume%2017,%202019,%20Supplement%201,%20Series%20Social%20Sciences/3/za%20pe4at/95.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2h_2e303-MMb1pUQB95bcGj_LgTWECcFeQUMH6WtONa6oFgyaHw6-V4WU

Kabadzhova М. (2018) Decision-making of farmers in the conditions of the CAP greening, Challenges of Agrobusiness and Rural Aries, Publishing Complex-UNWE, Sofia, 248-253, (Bg). https://www.ceeol.com/search/chapter-detail?id=705200



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