Област на научноизследователската работа: вирусни болести по овощните култури; методи на диагностика; производство на сетртифициран вирусно свободен посадъчен материал. Научни публикации (2004-
Kamenova, I., Borisova, A. , Dragoyski, K., Milusheva, S., Stefanova B., Dallot, S. and M. Glasa, 2015. Plum Pox Virus Strains in Bulgaria. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1063, 47-54 SJR 2015 0.171 Борисова А., Петров Н., 2015. Издребняване плодовете на черешата (LChD)- икономически важна вирусна болест при черешата и вишната. Растениевъдни науки, Vol. 2, 81-87. Борисова A., 2015. Проучване на биологичните свойства на изолати на Prunus necrotic ringspot virus от различни костилкови овощни видове. Растениевъдни науки, Vol.3, 3-7. Петрова В., Боровинова М., Борисова А., 2015. Болести и неприятели по вишнята и борбата срещу тях при конвенционална и интегрирана растителна защита. Растениевъдни науки, Vol.5, 3-9. Борисова A., Боровинова M., 2014. Oценка на вирусния статус и чувствителността на черешови сортове към цилиндроспориоза Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm). Растениевъдни науки, vol. 4-5, 3-6 Borisova A., Christov N., 2014. Detection of viruses infecting sweet cherry cultivars and elites at the Institute of Agriculture-Kyustendil, Bulgaria. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Special Issue 1,701-705. Borisova А., Borovinova М., Kamenova I., 2014. Major diseases of apple trees in Kyustendil region of Bulgaria. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Special Issue 1, 695-700. Borisova A., Kamenova I., Sotirov D., 2013. Sanitary status of rootstocks for sweet and sour cherry. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, vol. 16, 1, 151-163. Borisova A., Kamenova I., Borovinova M., 2013. Viral and fungal diseases of stone fruit species in Kyustendil region. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, vol. 16, 1, 164-182. Kamenova I., Mavrodieva V., Levy L., Milusheva S., Dragoiski K., Borisova A., Stefanova B., 2013. Plum pox virus survey of sweet and sour cherry in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (№4), 732-736.SJR 2013 0.171 Borisova, A., 2012. Distribution of economically important stone fruit viruses on weed species in cherry orchards and on wild species nearby to these. Journal of mountain agriculture on the Balkans, V.15, № 2, 426-436. Borisova, A., 2012. Detection of Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) in pome fruit cultivars in Kyustendil region of Bulgaria. Journal of mountain agriculture on the Balkans, V.15, № 2, 449-460. Borisova, A., 2012. Horizontal spread of Ilar viruses in mother garden of P. mahaleb, sweet and sour cherry orchards. Proceedings and abstracts of Third congress of virology with Internationals participation, October 25-27, 2012, 108-113. Borisova, A., Christov, N., 2012. Influence of PNRSV and PDV on some vegetative and reproductive properties of cherry cultivars. Proceedings and abstracts of Third congress of virology with Internationals participation, October 25-27,2012, 114-120 Kamenova, I., Milusheva, S., Dragoyski, K., Borisova, A., Dallot, S., Mavrodieva, V. and Levy, L. 2011. An overview of Sharka research in Bulgaria. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 899, 19-27 SJR 2011 0.232 Cieslinska M., Borisova A., Komorovska B., 2007. Some molecular properties of several izolates of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus from Bulgaria. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. Vol.15: 125-131 Христов, Н., В. Георгиев, А. Борисова, 2008. Нов свръхранозреещ черешов кандидат сорт. Юбилейна научна конференция 100 години от рождението на проф. В. Велков, Пловдив, /под печат/. Борисова А., Д. Сотиров, 2006. Изменения и увреждания при черешата наподобяващи вирусни заболявания.Сп. Селскостопанска наука, 4, 33-37
Борисова А., 2005. Определяне на подходящи срокове за тестиране на Илар вируси при череша и вишна. Научни трудове на Националния център за аграрни науки,т. 3, 301-3054. Christov, N., Borovinova, M., Borisova A. 2005. Results of the study of new sweet cherry cultivars and elites in Kyustendil region, Bulgaria. 5 th International Cherry Symposium, Yune 06-10,2005, Bursa – Turkey. ( in the press Acta Hort.) Borisova, A., Cieslinska, B., Komorowska,B. 2005. Characterization of apple Borisova, A., 2005. Preliminary results of the study on the spread of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) in different fruit tree species in Kyustendil region of Bulgaria. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, XXXIII, 81 – 85. Milusheva, S., Borisova, A. 2004. The incidence of Prunus necrotic ring spot (PNRS) and Prune dwarf (PDV) viruses in Prunus species in South Bulgaria. Biotechnol.&Biotechnol.Equipmnet 19, 2, 42- 45 |