Assoc.Prof.PhD Aneliya Borisova-Krumova Е-mail:
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Tel.: (078) 522612 |
Research interests and main activities: virus diseases of stone and pome fruit trees; methods for diagnostic of viruses; production of virus - free planting material.
Scientific Publications (2004-2008):
1. Borisova, A., 2005. Determination of the appropriate period for testing of ILAR viruses in sweet and sour cherry. Proceedings of the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences, 3, 301-305 (Bg) 2. Borisova, A. and Sotirov, D., 2005. Changes and Injuries Resembling Virus Diseases in Sweet Cherry. Sofia, Plant Science, 4, 33-37. (Bg) 3. Borisova, A., Yordanova A., 2006. Biological properties and freeze-drying of some isolates of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) from different fruit tree species in Bulgaria. Eleventh Congress of the Microbiologists in Bulgaria, Varna, 5-7 October, 2006 / in press/ (Bg) 4. Christov, N., Georgiev V., Borisova A., 2008. A new over early ripening sweet cherry candidate cultivar. Plant Science /in press/ (Bg) 5. Milusheva, S., Borisova, A. 2004. The incidence of Prunus necrotic ring spot (PNRS) and Prune dwarf (PDV) viruses in Prunus species in South Bulgaria. Biotechnol.&Biotechnol.Equipmnet 19, 2, 42- 45 6. Borisova, A., Cieslinska, B., Komorowska,B. 2005. Characterization of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolates from Bulgaria GeneBank (database online), http//:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, accession No: DQ329159, DQ329160, DQ329161, DQ329162 7. Borisova, A., 2005. Preliminary results of the study on the spread of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) in different fruit tree species in Kyustendil region of Bulgaria. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, XXXIII, 81 – 85. 8. Cieslinska M., Borisova A., Komorovska B., 2007. Some molecular properties of several izolates of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus from Bulgaria. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. Vol.15: 125-131 9. Christov, N., Borovinova, M., Borisova A., 2008. Results of the study of new sweet cherry cultivars and elites in Kyustendil region, Bulgaria. Acta Horticulture, 795 (1): 97-102 |